Fabulous rescues
Stephanie Graf-Vocat
Looking beyond appearences, broken dogs have more to show than the past that left them with scars... Working with recues to make them look fabulous, both inside and out.

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Looking beyond appearences, broken dogs have more to show than the past that left them with scars... Working with recues to make them look fabulous, both inside and out.
Because they are victim of fashion and not taken as they really are (tiny dogs with a lot of energy and huge hearts), many Chihuahuas end up abandoned by their owners... So I wanted to make it clear that they are no toy you buy online, hoping to use them as an accessory. They are real dogs and though deserve to be pampered like any other dog, they need exercise and discipline, otherwise behavior issues arise.
So here are the 10 commandments of Chihuahuas!
More details on www.facebook.com/chichifactoryrescue
SGV Photography is taking part in a project named "Pet street photography" by Pawsh Magazine. Each month, several photographers from all around the world capture a moment in a dog's life, so follow their stories and pictures on the magazine's blog!
For my June contribution, I strolled in Honfleur, watching dogs walking around with their owners, a fun thing to do.
SGV Photography is taking part in a project named "Pet street photography" by Pawsh Magazine. Each month, several photographers from all around the world capture a moment in a dog's life, so follow their stories and pictures on the magazine's blog!
For my June contribution, I decided to show Gutz, retired from a kennel who has been completley neglected and has a sticking tongue as an after effect, which only adds to his charm! So we went for a stroll in Forges-les-Eaux, small town in Normandy, enjoying a little bit of sun, but still keeping a sweater on because temperatures where still too low for this little guy...
SGV Photography is taking part in a project named "Pet street photography" by Pawsh magazine. Each month, several photographers from all around the world capture a moment in a dog's life, so follow their stories and pictures on the magazine's blog!
For my April's contribution, I wanted to show that dogs too make the most of Spring: the scent and taste of flowers (yeah, yeah, the taste), the sun and slight breezes, to frolic in the freshly cut grass and keep a souvenir of it, dig into daffodils, find one's ball and ask that you please throw it again... Ah, it feels good!
And here you get some bonus pics, how cool is that?!
Here is one of my photo projects of 52 weeks for 2011. The story of dogs strolling in Paris, coping with stress and pollution, the lack of green spaces allowed to the four-legged and cleanliness (like dog's poop scattered, not because of the dogs themselves, but thanks to some irresponsible owners who think that the poop-motorcycles will take care of it, so why bother picking it up...).
The reality of everyday life can sometimes blur the beauty and romanticism of this city. Because after having lived in the States, where dogs have their own shops, parks and freedom, it is hard to get accustomed to a place with numerous canine restrictions...
Follow their adventures on my flickr page where you can see the pictures and read the stories of each week.
And here are my favorite ones...
I challenged myself and decided to undertake several photo projects of 52 weeks for 2011. One of those is inspired by my "Fabulous studio" theme, putting dogs in a specific setting and telling their stories or an event in particular.
Follow their adventures on my flickr page where you can see the pictures and read the stories of each week.
Here are my favorite ones...
" The dog is virtue that, unable to be human, became animal. " Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
If you really think it through, dogs are not much different than people. Just like us, they sleep, eat, get groomed and pampered, daydream, meditate, think, relax, entertain themselves, clown about, even perform acrobatic freestyles, try to rebel against authority, learn, prefer some people or fellow creatures to others, fall in love and some even have to work to get a full food bowl.
So I wanted to humanize these furry friends by putting them in our everyday life situations, to which everyone can relate. Don't we say " like dog, like owner "?