Chichi Factory Rescue ~ August 2012
Stephanie Graf-Vocat
When you find a dog and know nothing about his/her past, you can only get surprises! With this August heat, the last rescue of Chichi Factory Rescue came into her own heat... A scar on her little belly made us think she was spayed and well, she was not, she probably had a C-section. Another little one who served to have puppies and did not even have the right to be spayed to avoid any problems... Fortunately she is safe with us, no stalker male around.
As for Arnold, in order to avoid him creating any problem, he was neutered and had his teeth cleaned as well as two warts on his face removed. So he inherited the satellite cone. A little bath was needed after the stitches were removed, in order to feel fresh and new!
Maggie, the Cavalier, keeps on performing like an acrobat and swirls in the yard, enjoying herself to the full.
Tania, our diabetic Bichon, after feeling a little down, felt much better once the dosage of her insulin injections has been revised.
And our Mamie Nova is seriously losing her hearing, which doesn't prevent her from hearing what she wants to hear ... An old little gal's strategy ??