Chichi Factory Rescue ~ December 2012
Stephanie Graf-Vocat
A few snowflakes for one day, a short-lived joy since we are not gonna have any snow for Xmas at Chichi Factory Rescue. Bonnie likes it this way, because having snow up the knees, even if there are only a few centimeters, not for her.
Bob doesn't mind the cold, and whether it rains or it's windy, he doesn't care as long as he can play! The others prefer to stay warm inside and Cookie is starting to copy the others and charm us in order to get treats. He trusts us more each day.
And two new rescues arrived: two senior chichis whose owner passed away and the family couldn't take care of them. Gus is quite watchful, fearful and ready to bite, but relaxes once he trusts. His acolyte Domino is a gentle little guy, quiet and cool!