Posing is no fun
Stephanie Graf-Vocat
For the execution of a personal project, I severely tested the modeling skills of dogs that gave me mind-blowing pictures! Among outfit fittings, long moments of posing, the spot that made us all sweat, without mentioning the various noises and throwings of artifacts to catch their attention, this has been a journey rather delicate, but quite amusing... Well, maybe not for everyone...
I selected here the images that best represented their exasperation during the photo sessions, in order to salute their goodwill in spite of it all!
For those who may wonder, this was a personal project about dogs being fashion victims. In a society that pushes us to always consume more, can the relationship we have with our faithful friend also be a victim of this society? Can we go as far as taking our dog as an accessory? Can we choose to "wear" our dog like we choose to wear shoes, a tie, jewelry? The ultimate question could then be: should I get married or choose a less cumbersome accessory??